Buy Ahead & Pick Up Cookies
All cookie rewards are cumulative.
Reward items are ONLY given to girls that sold during Cookie Season. Rewards are subject to availability and program criteria. Colors, models, and appearance may vary. Girl Scouts of Greater New York reserves the right to substitute a reward of similar monetary value and/or style if necessary.
A Cookie Can Buy the Experience of a Lifetime
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and
generates immeasurable benefits for girls who participate.
Learning Life Skills – the 5 Skills
Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls develop five essential skills that
help them become strong leaders:
Goal Setting
Decision Making
Money Management
People Skills
Business Ethics
Making It Count, Right Here in New York City
All of the proceeds – every penny – from the Girl Scout Cookie Program in
New York City remain in the five boroughs and fund the Girl Scout Leadership
Experience locally.
Money from Girl Scout Cookies helps Girl Scouts of Greater New York:
Provide the financial assistance to make Girl Scouting available for all girls.
Recruit and train volunteer adults to work with girls.
Improve and maintain Camp Kaufmann, our camp in Dutchess County, and other activity sites.
Keep program/camp fees for all members to a minimum.
Sponsor special events, projects, and more.
Learn More about Entrepreneurship Progression here
Girl Scouts of Greater New York is participating in Digital Cookie. After leading the nation’s Digital Cookie Program in 2016 with our incredible per girl average and boxes sold, we are participating again in 2025.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love has gone beyond traditional sales and offers a new way to sell and buy. The Digital Cookie program is a way for our girls to expand their business and entrepreneurial skills into the 21st century.
Under the security and safety of the GSUSA platform, girls can design and publish their own on line store. In this store that have the tools to email customers, review marketing data, set their cookie goals, track their progress, manage orders and inventory, learn Internet safety skills, and more — all while they earn age-specific Cookie Business badges and explore ways to help others by investing their earnings back into their communities.
The latest release of Digital Cookie also offers an entertaining learning experience. With an enhanced cookie website, fun quizzes, games, videos, and other activities, girls learn about marketing, budgeting, resource allocation, and other business skills on their way to cookie success.